Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cwex::cSocketRead/Write to TCP/IP socket, client or server
 Cwex::eventhandlerA class where application code can register functions to be called when an event occurs
 Cwex::fileboxA popup window where used can browse folders and select a file
 Cwex::guiThe base class for all windex gui elements
 Cwex::buttonA widget that user can click to start an action
 Cwex::checkboxA widget that user can click to toggle a true/false value
 Cwex::choiceA widget where user can choose from a dropdown list of strings
 Cwex::comRead / write to COM serial port
 Cwex::dateboxA popup window where user can select a date from a calendar
 Cwex::dropA widget where users can drop files dragged from windows explorer
 Cwex::editboxA widget where user can enter a single line string
 Cwex::gaugeWidget to display a value on a circular clock face
 Cwex::inputboxA popup window where user can edit a set of values
 Cwex::labelA widget that displays a string
 Cwex::listA widget where user can choose from a list of strings
 Cwex::multilineA mutiline editbox
 Cwex::panelA child window that can contain widgets
 Cwex::groupboxDisplaying a title and a box
 Cwex::layoutA panel which arranges the widgets it contains in a grid
 Cwex::radiobuttonLayoutWidget to layout a group of radio buttons
 Cwex::tabbedA widget where user can select which panel to display by clicking a tab button
 Cwex::plot::plotDraw a 2D plot
 Cwex::propertyGridA grid of properties
 Cwex::radiobuttonA widget that user can click to select one of an exclusive set of options
 Cwex::sliderA widget which user can drag to change a value
 Cwex::tableA read only table of values
 Cwex::tcpRead/Write to TCP/IP socket, client or server
 Cwex::makerA class for making windex objects
 Cwex::menuA drop down list of options that user can click to start an action
 Cwex::menubarA widget that displays across top of a window and contains a number of dropdown menues
 Cwex::msgboxA popup with a message
 Cwex::printDocPrint a text document
 Cwex::propertyA name value pair
 Cwex::shapesA class that offers application code methods to draw on a window
 Cwex::sMouseA structure containing the mouse status for event handlers
 Cwex::timerGenerate events at regularly timed intervals
 Cwex::plot::traceSingle trace to be plotted
 Cwex::windexA class containing a database of the current gui elements
 Cwex::window2fileTransfer image between window contents and image file in PNG format